Wonderful Women: GFS Ambassadors host uplifting evening and raise awareness of Girls Friendly Society

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Last week our GFS Ambassadors held their inaugural Wonderful Women event. Led by the inspiring Ellie Rich-Poole they created a truly inclusive gathering which exceeded expectations connecting, inspiring, and informing women from diverse backgrounds.

With over 50 attendees, the event provided a platform for sharing and receiving support. Each woman asked for help and offered help in return, facilitated by the Ambassadors who skillfully orchestrated the matchmaking process. As Ellie explained “we all have value to share regardless of what stage we are at, and we all benefit from help, even though we often can’t or won’t ask”.

The event included five keynote speakers who covered a range of inspiring and informative topics:

  • Ellie Rich-Poole, Chief Ambassador for GFS, Career Development Coach, and speaker, talked about the importance of asking for help and offering help, regardless of career stage.
  • Marshah Dixon-Terry, Executive Coach and Mentor, emphasized the importance of collaboration over isolation.
  • Laura Sercombe, CEO of GFS, introduced the Girls Friendly Society and how they enable girls to be themselves and thrive in a world in which it is hard to be a girl.
  • Louise Lyons-Appiah, a dynamic social entrepreneur and mental health advocate, shared insights on shaping society with courage and compassion.
  • Rachel Schofield, a former BBC journalist turned career and personal development coach, explored the power of experimentation.

Throughout the evening volunteers and staff from Girls Friendly society spoke with attendees about opportunities to collaborate and support the work of the charity.

Here’s what some of the Wonderful Women who attended had to say about  the event:

The energy and joy from everyone involved has been completely reinvigorating. We heard from an array of incredible speakers who shared their stories and the stressed importance of surrounding yourself with the right support network, asking for help and reconnecting with the fearless experimenters that we all once were as children. Ellie reminded us that ‘We can all give the help we once needed’. When women gather together in support of one another, magic really happens.

Having co-founded a new venture recently, I’ve been out and about a fair amount to build new relationships and to learn from others who have bravely set out down similar routes. My standout outing to date has to be the #WonderfulWomen event I attended last night, which was beyond fabulous!

It was truly one of the most inspiring, positively charged, fun, and uplifting events I have had the privilege to attend.

If you would like to get special invitations to future events like this sign up now to news from GFS. As Wonderful Women we can create positive change for ourselves and for future generations.