Orange Day

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GFS organisations around the world are marking the 25th of each month as ‘Orange Day’ to raise awareness and campaign against gender violence against women.

All are encouraged to wear orange (chosen as a bright and optimistic colour of hope and encouragement) once a month on the 25th. This is especially encouraged on 25th November, which is the United Nation’s ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women’.

At the GFS World Council in Perth, Australia 2017, GFS-USA asked us to consider a motion to adopt a campaign to address Gender Violence against Girls & Women.

Delores M Alleyne Former GFS-USA President stated:

My participation in the United Nation Commission on the Status of Women Conference was an exhilarating and awesome experience. Being in the company of 10,000 – 12,000 people, who care deeply about gender equality and women’s empowerment and doing something about these issues.

Nearly 70 years ago, the United Nations stated that the fundamental rights of every human being on the planet – are a human right. The right to live – free from violence. Yet almost everywhere around the world, women and girls are still denied their rights, often because of their gender.

Girls Friendly Society Worldwide can create a coalition, making our voices heard and deliver change. We can become a megaphone for girls and women who are fighting for equality, making sure their voices are heard loud and clear. Together, we can shine a spotlight on critical issues. When all our voices join together, we become impossible to ignore. Empowering girls and women to understand their rights is a beginning in joining millions of women doing something about it.

You can support the campaign by:

UN Women's Orange the World logo

    1: Participating in the National 16 days of Activism Against Violence and Abuse, in the latter part of November and first week in December.

    2: On the 25th of each and every month, wear orange and share it on social media with the hashtag #orangeday to raise awareness and encourage discussion of the ongoing campaign against violence towards women.

    3: Reflect upon all those affected by gender-based violence throughout the world. Depending on your belief, you could incorporate this into your personal prayer time, through mediation or however you feel is most appropriate.

We’re looking forward to sharing all your campaign pictures online, so please remember to use the #orangeday hashtag in your posts. Alternatively, if you are not on social media, please email us your photos.