Seeing the girls’ enthusiasm and resilience during such a difficult time has been a joy for everybody involved. I love volunteering with the girls and their energy and creativity is always the highlight of my week.
GFS volunteer
Volunteering at a GFS group is exciting, fulfilling and great fun.
While there are some common responsibilities from group to group, which we’ve outlined below, not all GFS groups are the same. We want to give you a space to explore, inspire and be inspired. If you have a passion for arts and crafts, performance, writing, sports, your community, the environment, campaigning, or anything else, we’d like to give you the chance to shine. We offer a space for you to share your passion with the girls by running sessions in the group.
We have two roles at groups: Activity Leader and Helper.
Being a GFS Activity Leader
Most of our regular volunteers are Activity Leaders. Activity Leaders are so important to the running of the group, as they are the ones who help Group Leaders or Coordinators deliver the activities, and make girls feel valued.
- Interacting with and listening to girls and young women to make them feel supported, valued, and inspired to try new things
- Helping run activities for the girls, organising materials needed for sessions and helping with set up, tidy up and refreshments
- Contributing to termly planning meetings with the Group Leader/Coordinator, to create an exciting range of activities for the girls
- Sharing ideas and feedback from the girls to the Group Leader/Coordinator to help create truly girl-led activities
- Keeping girls safe by informing your GFS staff contact about any safeguarding issues or concerns for girls’ wellbeing
- Treating every girl with respect and kindness, helping her to feel proud of who she is
As a GFS Activity Leader, you’ll need to commit to:
- Two hours direct delivery at your group each week, which include time before and after the session
- Planning sessions – maximum of two hours per term
- Trips out once or twice a year
Being a GFS Helper
GFS Helpers may help out in a variety of ways.
You could be helping out at weekly sessions to cover sickness or holiday, or at one off trips and residentials in the summer.
The main difference, is that Helpers help out on a more casual basis. They support the Group Leader/Coordinator to make sure the group has the support it needs to run safely.